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MP3: Surrender

October 20, 2008

Surrender is available for download for 7 Days (starting today, Monday 20 Oct 2008, 4.30pm local time) or 100 downloads, whichever comes first. It will not be reposted again.

All rights to the originators are restored. My disclaimer & privacy policy applies.

IA’s note: I remember exactly when I fell in love with this song.

The year was 1999. I was getting ready for work. It was a time in my life when the best I could do was put myself on autopilot to keep on functioning. I use the word functioning  because I didn’t think what I did then was living. The mini hi-fi was broken (at that time, everything seemed to be broken), so I used the DVD player to play 1/42, the live album from the Discovery Tour. 

As I caught a glimpse of myself at the mirror that was placed in the hallway, a huge chunk of repressed feelings suddenly welled up in my chest, bursting to get out.   I didn’t discover the transliteration until years later but wasn’t surprised at all when I read it coz it was exactly what I thought it was. Listening to it in the ‘live’ version added to the ‘realness’ of the situation;  I was immediately struck by the rawness and the simplicity of the song. Sakurai sang it imperfectly, which was absolutely perfect for the song.

This remains the song that I play repeatedly when I need to grief.

The transliteration and romaji can be found here.

2 Comments leave one →
  1. jamieson permalink
    November 20, 2008 1:44 am

    mmmm i know what you mean about this song, but is it on the 1/42 album? i have it too, but i don’t remember hearing it…

  2. Ijahamran permalink
    November 20, 2008 9:27 am

    I think you’re right. It must have been Q’s live album then.

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